But what does it cost?

We’ve been pitched on hundreds of app ideas. Some of them good. Some of them not so good. But some of them have been fantastic. No matter the quality of the idea, they all ask the same thing after they’ve shared their concept. “What does it cost?” It’s a reasonable question. MotionMobs offers a service, […]
How much does it cost to make an app?

Every potential client who walks through our door inevitably asks the same question “So how much is it going to cost to make my app?” The short answer is, we don’t know without putting in some effort. Many development agencies will give you an estimate after hearing your idea, but you should know that those […]
Why consulting is always the first step for an app

It’s quite common for people who meet with us for a consultation hope that the meeting will conclude with a rough estimate for development. The truth is, rough estimates after just hearing an idea are grossly inaccurate and often intentionally high (or low, if someone’s being dishonest). To get an accurate quote for development, a […]