Wyatt Properties acquires The Tower to provide tech-friendly offices for growing small businesses
On Dec. 24, Wyatt Properties, LLC, acquired The Tower at 530 Beacon Parkway West to provide office spaces for small to medium sized businesses. Wyatt Properties purchased the building for $1.275 million and plans to spend an additional $1 million in renovations over the next couple of years. MotionMobs president and co-founder Taylor Wyatt owns […]
Go Mobile on Nov. 9th in Atlanta
Whether you are already incorporating mobile technology into your business model, or are looking to in the near future, we can all gain insight from successful business leaders who have integrated this technology into their industry. Join us as our special guests talk about lessons learned and the digital path to success through mobile apps.
Rapid Fire: Design Week Birmingham 2015
Design Week Birmingham is off and running, and MotionMobs president Taylor Peake Wyatt is speaking at Friday night’s featured event, Rapid Fire powered by Pecha Kucha. Rapid Fire features 12 professionals from the design industry who have 20 slides to present to the audience for 20 seconds per slide.
Improving lives one app at a time: App2Talk
In 2014 MotionMobs had the opportunity to work on what became one of our most rewarding projects to date – Autism Avenue: Talk.
Make your own “Internet of Things” thing
Projects like the Onion Omega are amazing and making it easier and easier for anyone, regardless of skill or past experience, to create their own awesome devices to improve their lives or with which to just have a little fun.