Nonprofit app ideas that win grants
Nonprofit organizations frequently rely on corporate or government grants to fund new initiatives and move their causes forward. Big corporations like AT&T and Verizon are particularly incentivized to fund community projects that rely on the companies’ technologies, such as mobile apps. Navigating the waters of pitching an app that’s appealing and has noticeable impact can be difficult, […]
How retailers should prepare for online holiday sales
It’s the holiday season and the busiest time of the year for most retailers. For many businesses, this means carefully scheduling employees based on the highest traffic hours to keep shoppers happy and building tempting product displays with the most popular items. As consumers change their buying habits from in-store shopping to online buying, it’s […]
Personalizing mobile shopping
Retailers that rely on personalized in-store shopping experiences find it difficult to transition that experience to the digital space. Offering products from a menu lacks a customized approach and feels like every customer is the same. There are some companies that have mastered the personal digital shopping experience, and all retailers should pay attention. Stitch […]
10 ways to lose money on your app
App development is expensive. It’s even more expensive when you end up losing money in the long run. Here are ten ways to waste your hard-earned money in the world of app development. 1. You make an app just to have an app This is a trap that is easy to fall into with the […]
How much does it cost to make an app?
Every potential client who walks through our door inevitably asks the same question “So how much is it going to cost to make my app?” The short answer is, we don’t know without putting in some effort. Many development agencies will give you an estimate after hearing your idea, but you should know that those […]