Do you need a bot?

If you see the word ‘bot’ and think “BattleBots,” you’re not wrong, but it means you may have missed the recent hype surrounding one of the latest software trends. Bots are automated software programs for which your main interface is conversational in nature. Rather than clicking buttons or entering specific commands to complete a task, […]

5 questions to ask before you hire a software development firm

Finding the right software partner isn’t an exact science. There are a lot of different methodologies and languages for building software. You need to find someone you trust. You need a process in place for receiving and reviewing milestones throughout the project as they are met. You need to understand how a transition period will […]

Love your competition

In business, staying ahead of competition is always a concern, but the presence of competition is important. In the app world, we constantly hear about competition.

App Strategy, Ep. 8: Diversity in Startups

Diversity of thought is one of the most valuable assets to a small, rapidly growing company. Creativity and innovation is hindered when a team gets caught in group think. This week on the podcast, we talk about MotionMobs’ experience with diversity of thought and how you can achieve it in your own startup.