Building a more connected Web
We’ve come a long since the days of dial-up and “You’ve Got Mail!”. Web pages are no longer scary, one-color sheets with multiple links to overwhelm you, and social media has played a predominant role (for better or worse) in how our culture is shaped. Over the past 30 years, we’ve become better connected across […]
Retaining Alabama talent with CodingSolutions
MotionMobs Marketing Director Emily Hart sat down with President Taylor Peake to discuss CodingSolutions, a client out of Montgomery with a focus on retaining top programming talent within Alabama. Listen to the full conversation here: What is Coding Solutions? Emily: Today we’re talking about CodingSolutions. CodingSolutions is a highly competitive job readiness program that prepares […]
The year of software anniversaries
It is a monumental year for the two mobile giants of the industry: Apple and Google. The App Store celebrated its tenth anniversary in July while the Android Market (before being merged into what is now Google Play in 2012) reaches the 10 year milestone today, October 22. In 2011, smartphone ownership accounted for only […]
Dream Big
At MotionMobs, while our backgrounds may vary, our common purpose is the same. We have believed from the beginning of the App Store that technology is here to change our world, for better or for worse, and we’ve decided to use the skills we have to make our society better. How, you ask? MotionMobs is […]
President Taylor Peake testifies at Congressional hearing
MotionMobs President Taylor Peake testified before the U.S. House of Representatives Small Business Committee in Washington, D.C. at the hearing “Small Business Tax Reform: Modernizing the Code for the Nation’s Job Creators” on Wednesday, October 4. As a successful entrepreneur and consultant to many businesses across the state, Taylor provided expert experience to accompany the discussion […]