Wade’s World
I always get asked about my setup and the hardware/software I use on a regular basis. I’ve been asked once or twice about my setup and the hardware/software I use on a regular basis. So by popular demand here’s list of the things I feel like help me get things done (and make solid Slack […]
Becoming a Developer
So you decided to become a programmer? You took classes, online courses, and scoured the internet for tutorials to follow. Next, you’ve created personal projects to build your portfolio to get your dream job. You got the job but you come to realize that this isn’t quite like sitting in a classroom listening to your […]
Introduction to Flutter
This is part two of a two part series about Flutter. Please note that this part is intended as a developer guide, so if you’re looking for an explanation about why we love Flutter, check out Part One. Developers, carry on! Getting started with Flutter So you want to learn Flutter? Great! In this tutorial I’ll […]
10 ways to lose money on your app
App development is expensive. It’s even more expensive when you end up losing money in the long run. Here are ten ways to waste your hard-earned money in the world of app development. 1. You make an app just to have an app This is a trap that is easy to fall into with the […]
How to choose the wrong developer
We’ve seen it again and again. A client comes to us with an app they started with another developer, but things didn’t turn out as hoped. Sometimes it’s because the first developer simply couldn’t build what they said they could, sometimes they took far longer than originally promised, and sometimes they kept asking for more […]